Providing Quality Clinical Supervision in Community-Based Mental Health Settings

June 23, 2022
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EST
(12:00 pm - 1:00 pm PT)

Join us for an interactive panel discussion to explore best practices in clinical supervision for community mental health.

Event Details

Please join us to hear from a diverse panel of experienced clinicians and supervisors from Motivo as we share insight on the ways supervisors and their supervisees can create a meaningful, quality clinical supervision experience.

This event will provide helpful tips and dialogue about providing quality clinical supervision to providers in community based settings. We will explore the differences between administrative and clinical supervision, with emphasis on ways supervisors and their supervisees can maximize supervision to meet the growing needs of clients within underserved communities.

Following this presentation, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify the differences between administrative and clinical supervision.
  2. Name best practices for supervisors to meet the specific needs of mental health providers in community-based settings.
  3. Name best practices for supervisees to meet the specific needs of the (often) underserved populations they serve in community-based healthcare.
  4. Discuss strategies and tactics supervisors and their supervisees can employ in supervision to build a strong relationship, address administrative tasks, focus on self-of-the-therapist/counselor, address professional/licensure goals, and make ethical considerations.

June 23, 2022

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EST
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm PT
Zoom Webinar

Providing Quality Clinical Supervision in Community-Based Mental Health Settings has been approved by NBCC for NBCC credit. Motivo is solely responsible for all aspects of the program. NBCC Approval No. SP-3938.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Providing Quality Clinical Supervision in Community-Based Mental Health Settings has been approved by NBCC for NBCC credit. Motivo is solely responsible for all aspects of the program. NBCC Approval No. SP-3938.

This event will be provided via live, videoconference through Zoom. Panelists will be on video. Attendees will not be on video, but will be able to interact with panelists through chat, Q&A and reactions.

A certified interpreter will provide American Sign Language interpretation of the event.

This event is open to all mental health professionals, including:

Beginning level: New graduates or individuals who have recently changed fields of practice.

Intermediate level: Individuals with a year or more experience in the relevant field of practice.

Advanced level: Individuals with several years of experience in related work. Level of education may be relevant in cases such as advanced clinical skills training.

This event is free and open to all behavioral health providers. There is no fee for cancellations and, since the event is free, no refunds will be offered.

Yes, all attendees will receive a course evaluation immediately following the panel discussion.

A CE certificate will be emailed to each attendee within 7 days of completing the course evaluation.

Motivo is committed to ensuring access to our CE content, regardless of ability. Accommodations can be requested by emailing our Director of Continuing Education at 

Yes, see here for Motivo’s CE grievance policy.

Yes! We welcome your interactive participation in the panel. Please submit questions for panelists with your registration, and engage with panelists via Zoom chat, Q&A and live reactions during the panel.

Providing Quality Clinical Supervision in Community-Based Mental Health Settings has been approved by NBCC for NBCC credit. Motivo is solely responsible for all aspects of this program. NBCC Approval No. SP-3938.

We’d love to answer any questions you have. Contact us at

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