MAY 23, 2022
Rachel McCrickard, LMFT
Each week, our founder, Rachel, writes about her learnings and reflections in our newsletter, Mondays with Motivo. Sign up below to receive it in your inbox.
May 23, 2022
By: Rachel McCrickard
Recently, I joined a network of women leaders called Chief. The goal of Chief is to strengthen women leaders, magnify our influence, and pave the way for more women in executive positions. Pretty cool, right?!
A key element of Chief membership is what they call “Core Groups.” Core Groups are a group of 6-8 women who meet together monthly to discuss our challenges, gain insight and support, and strategize solutions.
This last week, I had my first Core Group with an amazing group of women from all over the U.S. We spent a lot of time getting to know one another and sharing a bit about our journeys.
Our facilitator asked us to grab a sheet of paper and “draw a continuous line mapping the key moments our life, from birth to current day.”
She asked us to pay particular attention to:
As a therapist, I was like, “Ohhhh, I got this.” I love questions like this – and I’m betting many of you do as well. I could talk for days about the peaks and valleys of my life and what I’ve learned from those experiences.
After we completed the assignment, we spent some time sharing our story with the group. One of my fellow group members said something during her share that really struck me. She said, “nature has given us an example of the peaks and valleys of life through our very own heartbeat.”
She went on to say that when we look at a heart rate monitor, we can see a tangible example of the ebb and flow of life.
I thought this was such a powerful metaphor – and one that I have never heard before. It prompted me to place my hand on my chest and feel my own heartbeat. I wonder if you might want to do the same, as you read this.
As my new friend shared with me, our heartbeat is a tangible example, with us everywhere we go, that life comes with invigorating peaks and painful valleys. It’s a sign that we are alive – that we are among the living.
Friends, our world has undeniably been through some valleys the last few years. No doubt you’ve experienced some valleys in your own personal life, as a result.
May we remember that peaks are ahead – and valleys as well, as we continue on this journey of life.
I’m curious, how does this metaphor lands with you today? If you have anything you’d like to share, I’d love to hear it.
Also, as a quick note, I’m heading out on a bit of business and personal travel, which means you’ll get to hear from some other voices in Mondays with Motivo the next few weeks. I know you’ll enjoy what they have to say!
Rachel McCrickard, LMFT
CEO/Founder, Motivo
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