California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) and Motivo Health Partner to Offer Statewide Remote Clinical Supervision

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  (California, May 23, 2023) – Motivo Health has collaborated with the California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) to offer remote clinical supervision services across all 58 counties in California. This partnership provides associate level therapists and social workers with access to quality clinical supervision through Motivo Health’s network. “We are confident our […]

It’s a big day for Motivo!

Login Find a Supervisor August 18, 2022 Industry News & Clinician Resources Motivo is here to provide you with resources and the latest in the mental health industry so you are up to date on recent trending topics and relevant content. Sign up for our weekly newsletter It’s a big day for Motivo! August 18, […]

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